A Premature Love Poem

If there were ever a moment for the angels to  hear… If there were ever a moment for the angels to fear…

If there were  ever a moment for the angels to feel…

…If there were ever a moment to question whether tears were of joy or a heart worn out and relaying Morse Code to the Heavens?. .

If there were ever a moment that she needed he,there must be an equivalent to when he needed she..If there were ever a moment that fear no longer consumed this humbled man it would be due to the affirmation of Heavens presence on earth that I'll simply refer to as "her". In a simple yet divine mathematical equation we were prematurely destined to intertwine mind, body and soul ..   In premature love there is opportunity & clarity...an in depth sense of self shared between two beings in order to find deliverance and strength in one another & collectively become an entity of love known as "we". - Hans A. Bouzi, Jr