-Walking in the spirit (Testimony)- (July 30 , 2020)

*Disclaimer: Lengthy Post* Testimony Excerpt (Walking in The Spirit) ▪︎Thursday, July 30th ,2020 (5:25am)▪︎ " If I'M expecting the promises of God to manifest within MY life ; then I've got to be willing to move unapologetically and FIGHT for the manifestation of those promises. The enemy will provoke your spirit by shifting the environment & coercing the mindset into "Is your God still able?" , yet we know the enemy cannot move without the authority of God.... have you forgotten we're meant to be the living embodiment of the Spirit of God ? Speak LIFE into your circumstance. The Lord is preparing a second wind within you that the mountains in your life will have no other option than to obey!!! What if I were to tell you that in preparation of restoration, the Lord first had to dismantle my spirit? What if I were to tell you the HEALING which the Lord whispered into my ear was that of the spirit ? ..Where the spirit of fear,anxiety and depression tried to inhabit this vessel The Lord sought fit to plant the seeds of strength ,compassion & understanding (Eyes haven't seen it I choose to believe) Oh what a great thing My God has done. When it comes to God there are no coincidences only affirmations of your past,present and future circumstance. If there's one thing I know for certain it's that with unwavering confidence I have,am, and will continue to walk within Gods purpose and promise over my life..." #Grace #Healing #KingdomBuilding #InspireAndTakeAction #OneAccord #FishersOfMen #Ministry #SpeakToThoseMountains #NoStrongholdFormedAgainstMe #WeServeAMightyGod #TheUnwaveredTestimony #TheUnwaveredKollective